An adapted hearing protection

Individual protection for your ears

Rock concert, motorcycle tour, road construction, noisy work environment: Both in leisure activities and at work, adapted hearing protection protects the ears much more effectively than standard hearing protection. Every ear canal has a different shape and size – they are as unique as fingerprints! For better wearing comfort, individually adapted and custom-made otoplastics will protect the wearer from long-term damage.

The adapted hearing protection - the features

Hearing protection that is individually fitted is tailored exactly to the situation in which it is needed.

In contrast to standard hearing protection, adapted hearing protection has a fit that is one hundred percent moulded to the wearer's individual ear canals and a damping effect that is adapted to the respective area of application by using different filters. In doing so, the loud sound levels are suppressed without providing complete acoustic insulation: The wearer still has an external perception, can follow conversations and hear acoustic warnings and traffic noises.

The features of individual hearing protection at a glance:

  • Small in-the-ear solution (compared to earmuffs worn over the ear)
  • Custom-made ear mould (earmould)
  • Material made of special silicone or DLP, a solid plastic from 3D printing technology
  • Different filters for different frequencies
  • Preservation of the acoustic perception
  • Long term usability
  • Skin-friendly
  • Easy to clean
  • Often available in different colours (for example in signal colours for easy retrieval in case of loss)
  • Some models are detectable


The application areas of fitted hearing protection

Hearing protection that has been individually configured is suitable for all leisure and work activities where the wearer is repeatedly exposed to loud sound levels. These include, among others:

  • Motorsports (even attending F1 races)
  • Musicians (professional and semi-professional)
  • Attending concerts and similar events
  • Travel (train, plane)
  • Night's rest (with snoring partner)


Use in the world of work

Health or Manpower Authorities in many countries demand that hearing protection be worn when e working in an environment above a certain sound level.

Standard hearing protection in the form of earplugs is often perceived as annoying by the wearer. Here, hearing protection that is custom-made and adapted is an alternative: They fit snugly and comfortably, can be quickly cleaned during breaks and can be worn for years. The use of adapted hearing protection is particularly advisable in the following fields of work:

  • Industrial work
  • Logistics
  • Traffic
  • Military
  • Forestry and agricultural work
  • Music and entertainment industry
  • Road construction
  • Construction industry


Protection against sudden noise

Individual hearing protection is also suitable for preventing hearing damage caused by a sudden exposure to sound. This so-called impulse noise can occur during hunting or shooting sports and can result in a so-called acoustic or blast trauma. This trauma in turn can cause severe damage to the auditory canal, which in the worst case is irreversible. Such consequential damage includes, for example, damage in the high-frequency range, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and a pathological sensitivity to sounds (hypoacusis).

Custom hearing protection is the ideal solution for those who are repeatedly exposed to high volumes, noise or disturbing environmental noise at work or at home.

The quickest way to better hearing.