KIND Hearing Pte Ltd
302 Orchard Road, #06-02 Tong Building
Singapore 238862
Fon: (+65) 6235 2425
Fax: (+65) 6235 1695
E-Mail: info(at)
Legal Aspects
Privacy Statement
KIND appreciates your interest in its products and your visit to this web site. Your privacy is important to us and we want you to feel comfortable visiting our sites. The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention during our business processes.
KIND respects your privacy and personal space.
The KIND websites may include or contain, however, links to other websites which are not covered by this privacy statement. KIND does not acquire ownership of the websites accesses via links and is not responsible for their contents.
Collection and Processing of Personal Data
When you visit our websites, our webserver automatically records the name of your internet service provider, the website from which you visit us, the websites you actually visit and the date and length of your visit. KIND uses this data to follow the preferences of our visitors and optimize our websites accordingly. Additional personal data is only stored if volunteered by you, for example in the context of a registration, a survey or a contest.
KIND will use your personal data for the sole purpose of technical administration of the websites, customer fulfillment and administration, product surveys and marketing, only to the extent necessary in each specific case.
We will only disclose your data to governmental authorities in cases where it is required by law. Our employees are obliged by us to respect, confidentiality and abide by codes of conduct of KIND.
Unless otherwise indicated, all marks displayed on KIND internet sites are subject to the trademark rights of KIND and its corporate logos and emblems.
You also need to understand that KIND must protect their intellectual property, including their patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, you are hereby on notice that neither this internet site, nor any material contained therein shall in any way grant or be taken to grant any person a license to KIND intellectual property.
Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics and other materials on KIND internet sites are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites.