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1 Meet preparation
2 Volume set
Create hearing analysis
Welcome to the KIND Online Hearing Test!

Please choose your gender first:

When were you born?

Do you have ringing in the ears/tinnitus?

Switch on loudspeaker or put on headphones.

Press "Test volume" and adjust the volume so that you can hear the voice being played.

Your test result indicates significantly reduced hearing!

We recommend that you have your hearing checked at a KIND specialist store.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us: 065 - 6235 2425 (free)
oder arrange a callback

Your hearing test result in detail

Queried number Your input
Queried number
Your input

0 von 0

Hearing test questions answered correctly

Analysis of your result

Your test result shows that you obviously had significant comprehension difficulties. You could only insufficiently hear the spoken numerical values from the background noise, which could indicate a hearing loss.

For people with hearing loss, there must be as much volume distance as possible between spoken language and noise in order for speech to be understood.

What you should do now

Our online hearing test can only provide you with an initial assessment of your hearing. We therefore recommend that you have your hearing checked by a comprehensive hearing test. Our KIND hearing care professionals are available to provide you with advice and assistance.

Simply make an appointment at a KIND specialty store near you and let's get to the bottom of possible hearing difficulties together!


Your result is calculated ...

Please provide the following information for a better result.
Online hearing test appointment
Nevertheless, we recommend that you repeat the test regularly. Take a hearing test now: